Cell Biology
Chemotactic Cell Migration Model

Force Constants

Chemoattractant Concentration Profile

 Migration system

Concept Development:Dr. Mauricio Bustos, UMBC, USA
Simulation:Dr. Mauricio Bustos, UMBC, USA
Web Interface:Lyle Medel, USA
Messages: The SimLabs will attempt to further instruct you if improper data is entered into the simulation.


Using the Graphical Display:

  1. Select a migration system using the pull-down menu to load default inputs. If desired, the values inside text edit boxes can be changed by hand. To avoid execution and overflow errors it is recommended to start using default inputs.

  2. Click the "Run Simulation" button. The simulation returns three types of results (inside the yellow box) and a movie showing the generational evolution.

  3. To study the CSVs, click anywhere inside the yellow box. Push select all (CTRL+A for Windows), copy (CTRL+C for Windows) and then paste them in a word file (CTRL+V for Windows).

Fluctuation (Fl): Stochastic fluctuation force (circular Gaussian distribution).
Adhesion (Adh): Spring like adhesion force acting along the line segments that connect the central cell to each of its neighbors. It simulates the adhesion forces that are created when cells bind together.
Repulsion (Rep): Spring like repulsion acting along the line segments that connect the central cell to each of its neighbors. It simulates the mechanical repulsion forces that appear when elastic cells are pushed against their neighbors.
Chemorepulsion (Crep): Repulsive force resulting from a cellular reaction to a chemical compound. Every cell emits a repulsive signal, which diffuses uniformly in every direction giving rise to a radially symmetric Gaussian concentration function.
Chemoattraction (Catr): Attractive force resulting from a cellular reaction to a chemical compound. The attractive signal is emitted from a block and it fiffuses uniformly in the x-direction giving rise to an error function (cumulative Gaussian) concentration.

10231 fresh labs as of 5/8/2014.